LECTURE // Gutenberg story meter

Gutenberg, the appliance factory cat, is visited by writer and biologist JUHANI PÜTTSEPP.
Juhani talks about golden eagles, wolves and grasshopper pups.
Finally, we all go to the woods with our stories!

Gutenberg Storytime is a series of children's events in the Biblioteek bookstore, usually held once a month on Saturdays, where children aged 3-11 are especially welcome.

But what can parents do with the free time they have?
Maybe visit cafés or exhibitions - for example, Kristi Kong's exhibition "Water is the eternal witness" at KOGO Gallery. The Colour Indigo (https://www.kogogallery.ee/.../vesi-on-igavene.../)

Other events


Starts at: 01. 06. 24

Time: 12:00 - 14:00

Location: Biblioteek

Ticket: Free

