EXHIBITION // Andra Rahe “Growth of Pain"

Andra Rahe's personal exhibition "Growth of Pain"

The exhibition "Growth of Pain" has risen out of Andra Rahe's (born in 1996, Kabli, Estonia) work titled "Thistle, my favourite", where she puts herself side-to-side with a flower that is not a typical favourite.

The artist who was born with severe skeletal and metabolic abnormalities is now using x-ray photos and overlays them with a thistle as plant that symbolises the sharp pain inflicted by frequent bone fractures and cracks. "Growth of Pain" showcases the human body deformed over the years and shows it in as sincere light as possible, attempting to normalise the body of a handicapped woman in modern society. Rahe is trying to understand how being born with a handicap and the society of the late 90's has affected her self image and relationships with people close to her. During the entire process the purpose is coming to terms with, and ultimately accepting the condition Rahe is born with.

"I feel that I'm running when I'm taking photos." - Andra Rahe

You are welcome to join the Opening on August 25th, 2023, Friday at 20.00 Tartu Aparaaditehas Kastani 42, white greenhouse to the left when entering the courtyard.

The exhibition is open from 25.08.2023 -30.09.2023
Wed-Fri 12:00-18:00
Sat 12:00-16:00

This event will take place within the Open Cultural Platform of Aparaaditehas and is also part of the “Galeriide öö vol 10” program. This event is promoted by the city of Tartu.

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Starts at: 25. 08. 23 - 30. 09. 23

Time: 12:00 - 18:00

Location: White Glass House in the courtyard

Ticket: Free

